Reminder to all Copperleaf Communities Residents

Our neighbors in Autumn Corners are seeing an increasing number of children and bicycle riders in their residential area. Although Autumn Corners is a part of the Copperleaf development, the grounds and streets are the private property (not city) of the Autumn Corners’ residents.

Bicyclists have been seen on their private streets and walkways. Autumn Corners is a 55+ community and they are concerned that residents will not see bicyclists when pulling out of their drives and hit someone. Signs are posted at all entrances stating that no bicycles are allowed; please observe this restriction and remind your children not to ride their bicycles in this area.

Autumn Corners is also seeing an increasing number of children playing in resident’s private yards and climbing and walking in the dam area of the retention pond. This area is also clearly marked with a no walkway sign and caution tape is displayed across an opening. Residents have seen children falling into the pond from the dam and dropping items there along with leaving trash in several areas of Autumn Corners.

Increased foot traffic on the walkways and along the pond path and Autumn Corners park is welcome but please be respectful of the residents’ property and the dam across the pond.