Upcoming Improvement—ADA Ramp

We’re always looking for ways to improve the quality of life for residents in the Communities of Copper Leaf. An ADA approved ramp will be installed Summer of 2020 to give residents better access to the pond. Some of our residents are not able to easily, or safely, navigate the current stair access. Please keep checking back for more updates …

Upcoming Improvement—Walking Trails

The summer heat and the rollercoaster highs and lows of winter in the Ozarks take a toll on the surfaces of our walking trails. The safety of homeowners and their visiting family members is always of utmost importance and so repair and resurfacing of our walking trails will be completed sometime in the next two fiscal years.  Common area maintenance …

Bring on the Fun!

Copper Leaf is a great place to live! The playground, pool and gazebo are perfect for families and neighbors to gather. Quick links to download pool and clubhouse rental forms can be found HERE.